Hey, It’s Igor on behalf of clientName
I believe e-Farming is one of the best ways to build an online inkum.
Forbes and WSJ been publishing dozens of pieces recently praising e-Farming over social media and other online trends.
In addition, there’s a bunch of celebrities who are successfully e-Farming their way to passif inkum outside of their TV appearances and show biz contracts.
Why is everybody going nuts about the method?
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Igor Kheifets & clientName
Hey, It’s Igor on behalf of clientName
There’s a new online trend big retail chains like Walmart, Amazon, UU and others are using to explode their bottom lines.
It’s responsible for bringing in 12B last year.
Even Hollywood celebs are using it to quietly rake it in outside of the media spotlight.
But you don’t have to run a merchandise conglomerate or appear on prime time television to prophit from it.
It works just as well for every day men and women, if you follow my system.
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Igor Kheifets & clientName
Hey, It’s Igor on behalf of clientName
After discharging from the military I became a security guard at a toxic pesticide production facility.
It was a dangerous job and it paid peanuts.
You weren’t allowed to step onto the premises without biohazard equipment.
The gig was so venomous, that for every hour spent indoors, you had to take a 15 minute “breathing pathways recovery break” in safe designated break areas outdoors.
They also wouldn’t let you leave until you had a thorough shower using a special bio soap to wash the harmful fumes off your skin and hair.
But that hardly helped.
One guy I knew, who worked there for 20 years, died from lung cancer in his 50s.
I knew I wasn’t destined to keep working as a guard there and die a couple decades later.
Luckily for me, I made a weird finding that shot my inkum to 300, 500 and even 1,000 per day.
Since then I quit and never looked back.
Here’s What I’ve Discovered

Talk soon,
Igor Kheifets & clientName
Hey, It’s Igor on behalf of clientName
Kevin from Nottingham was working a demanding construction job that was forcing him to spend 2 weeks away from home every month.
This left his wife Meghan, who stayed home with their sons, in need of help and attention.
After realizing how much he wanted his life to change, Kevin reached out to me and asked for help.
This is what I showed him.
Short while later, he fired his boss and started working from home.
In the first year he was able to save up enough money for a downpayment on a brand new family home!
Kevin even told me that following my system was the best decision he ever made in his life, second only to marrying Meghan.
Want to see what I showed him?
Watch this for more details

Igor Kheifets & clientName
Hey, It’s Igor on behalf of clientName
A while back I discovered how to set up your own D4Y inkom streems that pay $100, $500 and even $1,000 per day.
I’ve been developing it over time, perfecting it, refining it for maximum results.
I’ve now got it maken me up to 9,291 in a single day.
You don’t need a website, a social media following or ever picking up the phone.
Get more details about my system

Igor Kheifets & clientName
Hey, It’s Igor on behalf of clientName
One of my students from Malaysia, Darman, makes 185/hour with e-Farming.
He structured his bizdniz around his studies. Sometimes he wakes up a bit earlier to get stuff done. Other times, he stays up late to setup another inkum strim.
Darman’s a poor English speaker and slow to pick things up. He hasn’t hit the ground running, so to speak.
But even he was able to quickly grasp my system, because I’ve turned it into an easy to follow predictable process.
It’s color-between-the-lines simple.
Find Out How It Works

Talk soon,
Igor Kheifets & clientName
Hey, It’s Igor on behalf of clientName
I’m not one to brag about my achievements.
But sometimes I sense it is important we talk numbers, because numbers don’t lie.
I recently filed my taxes and it looks like I netted 403,919 for the calendar year.
If you have a hard time wrapping your head around it, remember, there’s a method to the madness.
Everything is possible because you can now leverage the power of automation to create your private D4Y inkum streams.
Otherwise it would be too good to be true.
I want to show you all I know so you can enjoy the same reezalts. Will you let me?
“Sounds Great, Igor, Pls Tell Me More”

Talk soon,
Igor Kheifets & clientName
Hey, It’s Igor on behalf of clientName
Have you heard or seen stories of “influencers” who get paid to post on social media?
In recent years, there’s influencers have been on the rise. You can even say it has become one of the most prestigious professions of the 21st century.
But have you heard of e-Fluencers?
These are “nobodies” like me who make a living onlain without having a social media following.
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Igor Kheifets & clientName
Hey, It’s Igor on behalf of clientName
Thanks to stumbling into e-Farming, I was able to start making 100 a day online without any previous experience.
I was then able to scale my eenkum to 300, 500 and even 1,000 per day on my own schedule.
I no longer obsess about day to day living expenses or being able to pay for the little eggstras in laif.
I work as much or as little as I want.
I enjoy multiple strims of inkom.
I don’t have to beg a manager for a vacation or a day off.
In fact, I can take off on a trip anytime I wish because I can earn an inkum from anywhere.
Watch for details

Igor Kheifets & clientName
Hey, It’s Igor on behalf of clientName
According to my research, Hollywood celebrities are turning to this brand new method for generating inkum passively.
Best part?
You don’t need fame or notoriety to make a lot of the green stuff with it.
It can work no matter your age, ethnicity, or education.
You don’t even need to take big fainanshul rysks or annoy friends and family.
I created a short presentation giving you all the important details.
“Thanks, Igor, I’m Going Through The Presentation Now”

Igor Kheifets & clientName